Optimize Your Pardot Landing Page For Conversions

Lead generation is the foundation for business growth, especially for businesses dealing with specific customers. The ultimate goal of any lead generation strategy is to find quality leads. How? By collecting their information and funneling them into your database to track, segment, nurture and qualify them. One of the best and most successful paid advertising platforms for lead generation is Google Ads (formerly Adwords). This is where you can really target in on your ideal audience based on their demographics, behaviors and online searches.

The marketing automation software Pardot provides you with all the tools for running a successful lead generation campaign from building out your landing page and form to nurturing and qualifying prospects. One of the most important elements of your lead generation strategy is your landing page, so we put together a few tips for creating a landing page that is appealing, relevant and converts leads.


Tip #1: Grab Their Attention


The headline, supporting headline and value proposition is the first thing a visitor sees when they land on your page, so you need to make sure this section provides an eye catching statement of value and keeps them intrigued to stay on the page. Most people are not interested or do not have time to read lengthy company descriptions, making use of bullet points, arrows or dashes to highlight the key benefits is a great way to increase the chances a visitor absorbs the information you want them to see.


Tip #2: High Quality Visuals & Valuable Content


Offering a high quality and valuable non-gated resource is a great way to capture the attention of your visitors. Images, videos or infographics are often used to provide the visitor a chance to learn more about you before they convert on the main call to action. Keep your landing page message clear and consistent with the previous source a page visitor came from, meaning if the CTA was “download the white paper”, then your landing page CTA should be the same or very similar.


Tip #3: Validation & Trust Building


Social proof validates your credibility, and is a symbol of concrete evidence your solutions, products or services work. The more evidence of credibility, the more likely your visitors will trust your company enough to convert and become a lead. Most people are cautious when sharing their information online, keep this in mind and make sure you have your privacy policy somewhere on the page so the prospect knows exactly how their information will be used and what they should expect to receive.


Social Proof Examples:

  • Testimonials
  • Success Metrics from Case Studies
  • Trust Seals Certification or Badge
  • Partner Logos
  • Short Success Story


Tip #4: Short & Sweet Forms


What should you ask on your lead capture form? This is most likely the first time a visitor is hearing about your company so keep it short. Use 4-5 fields max and only collect information that is needed. Lengthy forms are a good way to scare away a potential lead.

An awesome feature of Pardot forms is progressive profiling which allows you to select which form fields show based on the information you already have on the prospect. Learning how to use this feature allows you to collect additional information in a more natural way as you continue to build a relationship with the prospect. Pardot forms also give you the option for BOT protection keeping spam leads out of your database!


Tip #5: You Got A Lead


You should have completion actions set up in pardot that trigger after the visitor converts on your landing page form. Best practice is to send an autoresponder email with a thank you note with the asset  “downloaded” from your landing page. By sending an email it also opens the door for direct communication and begins a relationship with the prospect.

Lastly, setting up a thank you page is a great way to share more valuable content with your prospect! You may even want to add a chat bot to this page to connect the lead with someone right away. The more communication and trust you build the more likely you will convert the lead into a customer!

If you need help developing a lead generation strategy, building out marketing assets or overall Pardot management send us a message or contact abbie@netrocon.us!