We flip the traditional lead generation funnel and create the right account engagement triggers that put the right customers into the funnel
Agile Marketing How We Do It
Digitization & Branding
We start with your goals in mind, then create the right digital strategy that will drive results, not the other way around.
Research says that 67% of the buyer's journey is done digitally.
Unlike other organization which have a "cookie-cutter" approach to their clients' problems, we start from the bottom and work our way up. First, we understand the pain points which your organization, and even industry, are facing. From there, we develop
a strategy around the goals you have for your organization and the solutions we can provide for your pain points. All of this revolves around the digital space, and it will drive results.
Content experience
It's not just about the messaging and medium, but the entire experience that moves your personas to action. We are experts at building and delivering those great experiences.
The way which an account receives their content is everything. By using the right content experience tools, we are able to provide accounts with a personalized experience, tailored to everything from their company to their job title.. We understand that
personalization is the key to success, the key to happy customers, and the key to conversions.
We don't just help you open new doors, but also help your sales team sell large scale deals within those relationships.
Expansion refers to two things within your journey. The first is opening up new doors within an account, as the engagement doesn't end when an account is closed. At this point, it's time to continue investing in a customer, perhaps to buy more of your
product, or donate more to your cause. The emphasis here is on upselling and cross-selling within these established accounts. The second meaning for expansion is getting introduced to new accounts within a vertical.
Perhaps the CEO of an organization knows another CEO who is in need of your product or service and points you in their direction. More accounts. More revenue.
We stay engaged post-engagement, and convert your customers into advocates for your brand.
It's a fact that loyal customers drive more business. We give your customers enough content to fall in love with your brand over and over again, and tell their peers too.
Similar to the second meaning of expansion, when accounts advocate for you, they're basically doing your marketing for you, free of charge. The best part is that this could be anywhere; in the boardroom, at home, the gym. Anywhere. If the account had
a great experience (and we assure you, they will) with your brand, they're going to tell their peers. This process can be applied to the macro levels of B-to-B all the way down to a simple exchange over the web. The
key is post-engagement content, which we deliver through content delivery tools, continuously building relationships and expanding accounts.
Optimize Conversions
Through analytics, heat maps and other behavioral data, we gather deep insights into your customers' browsing patterns. From there, we make the right user experience and marketing decisions that will drive more conversions.
Our approach to increase conversions has always been design-thinking, it helps us see the problem and make the necessary changes using a logic, imaginative and systemic reasoning approach.
ABM How We Do It
Research and Audits
Through audits and extensive research, we've created ideal customer profiles (ICP) and buyer personas for customers that set the foundation for their target accounts within their total addressable market (TAM).
The development of your ideal customer profile (ICP) is crucial for the success of your campaign. First, we amass a list of common aspects from your current customer base, the combine them to create your ICP. Following that, we apply this foundation to
scale, to create your TAM, and continue to hone in on accounts that are a match for you and your organizational needs.
Target Account List (TAC)
Through deep data and predictive analytics, we build your target account list of customers who exhibit the right buying characteristics.
Through our own research and predictive analytics, we are able to devise a list of insights into your target market. We then use this data to develop a list of target accounts that we can set our sights on for marketing efforts. This will not only eliminate
those accounts who do not fit your ICP, but it will cut down on the wasted resources as you are only targeting accounts who fit the buying profile and are ready to buy. Furthermore, these saved resources can be used
for more aggressive marketing methods to drive engagement with your TAC.
We develop highly customized and personalized content with your personas in mind.
Research says that 75% of executives read unsolicited marketing material that pertains to their cause; with 92% paying attention to material from sources they've never worked with.
Content should be moving, thought provoking, and engaging, and that is exactly the type of content we provide. By gathering deep insight through the use of marketing tools and predictive analytics, we make sure that the content we provide to your accounts
is relevant to them. This relevancy will pertain to their pain-points, and how your solutions can solve those issues for them.
Buyer Intent
We use market data in real time to make decisions on product-positioning. We take them before the customers who are actively shopping in the market for a solution like yours.
Through the use of buyer intent and insight tools, we are exposed to everything about your buyers, including their readiness to contribute to your organization. With this data, we weed out the wrong prospects first, shortening your sales pipeline and
cutting back on unnecessary marketing costs. We are then left with the individuals who are in the market for your product, and we focus our efforts on them alone.