Mission local

Our Vision

A marketplace of equal opportunity for the underrepresented sections of the society

Our Mission

To help mission minded businesses grow and make an impact through digital media

How much will this cost you?

It's left to you! You can choose to pay what you want or absolutely nothing at all.

Why Mission local

Every business should think beyond revenue and profits. Every business has the opportunity to impact a community. Mission local aims to inspire entrepreneurs to run businesses with a missional mindset.


Who will be working on your projects?

Our teams are based out of NC, RI and NJ in the U.S, Rio de Janerio in Brazil and in Chennai, India

Why should you consider helping businesses that are underrepresented?

Businesses that are mission-minded or run by Immigrants and refugees are playing an increasingly important role in the U.S economy.

They are often overlooked for investment and growth opportunities.

However, businesses started by immigrant and refugees account for employment to millions of U.S citizens. They also revitalize neighborhoods and produce billions of dollars in revenue each year.

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