Having the best practices for recruiting top talent for your team is critical for every company. With Baby Boomers retiring, Millennial’s freelancing and Generation Z just starting to enter the workforce, recruiting top talent with specific expertise has never been more competitive.
On top of everything, recruitment is undergoing a lot of change thanks to data and analytics technologies. And now automation is becoming a bigger factor in intelligent recruitment. Recruitment AI and tools are being thrown at companies left and right, but which tool and which method is the best one or the best fit for your hiring needs? And how do you divulge into finding what works best for you?
Recruiting the right talent isn’t a one size fits all strategy. Our recruiting methods begin an Account Based Everything approach that includes data from a combination of recruitment channels which give us a clear understanding of which channels deliver the greatest return on investment. This helps us reduce the cost per hire over time and as a result we help you reduce your overall recruitment costs and find you the perfect fit for the position you’re looking to fill in IT or marketing.
But instead of explaining everything in a blog, we put together our best practices in a marketing and recruitment eBook. You’ll find an understanding of what Account Based Marketing is and how it works, the impact ABM has had so far, why ABM is for B2B companies who are serious about client acquisition and how ABM can impact hiring the right people for your company.
Best of all, we want to give you this book for free! You can find the eBook here.